Russia grants edward snowden citizenship

I think there may be some misinformation here!

Edward Snowden, the American whistleblower who leaked classified information about the US government's surveillance programs, has not been granted Russian citizenship.

In 2013, Snowden fled the United States and sought asylum in Russia, where he was granted temporary asylum for one year. In 2014, his asylum was extended for three more years, and in 2017, it was extended again for another three years.

However, Snowden has not been granted Russian citizenship. He has maintained his American citizenship and has continued to live in exile in Russia, where he has been able to live and work relatively freely.

It's worth noting that Snowden has been a vocal critic of the Russian government and has spoken out about human rights issues in the country. He has also been critical of the US government's surveillance programs and has advocated for greater transparency and accountability in government.

So, while Snowden has been able to live in Russia for many years, he has not been granted Russian citizenship and remains an American citizen.