Apartment to let in new london estate ipaja

I'm happy to help you with your query! However, I have to inform you that New London Estate, Ipaja is a real estate development in Lagos, Nigeria, and it's not a well-known area for apartment rentals.

That being said, I can suggest some alternatives to help you find an apartment to let in Ipaja or nearby areas:

  1. Online Property Platforms: You can try searching on online property platforms such as Jumia House, PropertyPro, or Lamudi. These platforms list various properties for rent in different locations, including Ipaja.
  2. Local Estate Agents: You can also contact local estate agents in Ipaja or nearby areas, such as Ikeja or Agege, to inquire about available apartments for rent. Some popular estate agents in Lagos include:
    • Knight Frank Nigeria
    • Chestertons Nigeria
    • Property Mart
    • Realty Point
  3. Social Media: You can also try searching for apartments for rent in Ipaja on social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter. Many property owners and estate agents advertise their properties on these platforms.
  4. Local Newspapers: You can also check local newspapers in Lagos, such as The Punch or The Nation, for apartment rentals in Ipaja.

Remember to always exercise caution when searching for apartments online or through local agents, and make sure to verify the authenticity of the property and the landlord before making any payments or signing any agreements.

I hope this helps you in your search for an apartment to let in Ipaja or nearby areas!