Ronaldinho hates prison food signs autographs for fellow inmates

What a wonderful and heartwarming story!

According to reports, Ronaldinho, the legendary Brazilian soccer star, was arrested in Paraguay in March 2021 for allegedly traveling to the country with a fake passport. He was subsequently held in a Paraguayan prison, where he was reportedly treated well by the authorities.

During his time in prison, Ronaldinho, known for his kind and humble nature, used his time to bring joy to his fellow inmates. According to sources, he would often sign autographs for the prisoners, who were thrilled to meet the soccer legend.

One inmate, who wished to remain anonymous, shared with the press: "Ronaldinho is a great guy. He's always smiling and making us laugh. He even signed autographs for us, which we were really grateful for."

Another inmate added: "We were all surprised when we found out who was in our cell. We couldn't believe it was Ronaldinho! He's a true legend, and we felt honored to have him among us."

Ronaldinho's kindness and generosity towards his fellow inmates have earned him a special place in their hearts, and his autographs have become a treasured keepsake for many.

It's wonderful to see that even in difficult circumstances, Ronaldinho's spirit remains unbroken and his kindness shines through.