2face new video oyi

You're referring to the new music video by 2Face Idibia, a legendary Nigerian musician, for his song "Oyi".

For those who may not know, "Oyi" is a song from his 2013 album "The Ascension". The song is a romantic ballad that showcases 2Face's soulful vocals and storytelling ability.

The music video for "Oyi" was released in 2013 and features 2Face singing and performing the song in a romantic setting, with scenes of him and his love interest (played by actress and model, Nse Ikpe-Etim) enjoying each other's company.

The video was well-received by fans and critics alike, with many praising 2Face's vocal performance and the video's romantic and intimate atmosphere.

If you're a fan of 2Face or just looking for some great Nigerian music, I'd definitely recommend checking out the video for "Oyi"!