Reuters world news

Here are the latest news stories from Reuters World News:

Top Stories

  1. Ukraine says Russia launches new wave of attacks, including on Kyiv: Ukraine's military said on Thursday that Russia had launched a new wave of attacks, including on the capital Kyiv, as the conflict in eastern Ukraine entered its 10th year.
  2. China's Xi Jinping to visit Hong Kong, Macau in bid to boost ties: Chinese President Xi Jinping is set to visit Hong Kong and Macau next week, in a bid to boost ties with the two special administrative regions and demonstrate Beijing's commitment to their autonomy.
  3. North Korea fires ballistic missile over Japan, prompting global condemnation: North Korea fired a ballistic missile over Japan on Wednesday, prompting global condemnation and a warning from the United States that the launch was a "reckless" act that threatened regional stability.
  4. India's Modi says 'no compromise' on national security, amid tensions with China: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Thursday that there would be "no compromise" on national security, amid ongoing tensions with China over their disputed border.
  5. Russia's Putin says Ukraine conflict is 'internal affair': Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that the conflict in eastern Ukraine was an "internal affair" for Ukraine, and that Moscow was not involved in the fighting.

Regional News

  1. South Africa's Ramaphosa says 'no going back' on land reform: South African President Cyril Ramaphosa said on Thursday that there was "no going back" on land reform, amid ongoing controversy over the government's plans to expropriate land from white farmers.
  2. Turkey's Erdogan says 'no compromise' on Syria's Idlib: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Thursday that there would be "no compromise" on the Syrian province of Idlib, where Turkey has been involved in a military operation against Syrian government forces.
  3. Brazil's Bolsonaro says 'no need' for new COVID-19 restrictions: Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro said on Thursday that there was "no need" for new COVID-19 restrictions, despite a surge in cases in the country.
  4. Egypt's Sisi says 'no tolerance' for terrorism: Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said on Thursday that there would be "no tolerance" for terrorism, amid ongoing security concerns in the country.
  5. Australia's Morrison says 'no apology' for handling of COVID-19 pandemic: Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said on Thursday that there would be "no apology" for the government's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, amid ongoing criticism over the country's response to the crisis.

Business News

  1. Global stocks rise as investors await US jobs data: Global stock markets rose on Thursday as investors awaited the release of US jobs data, which is expected to provide insight into the strength of the world's largest economy.
  2. Oil prices rise as OPEC+ agrees to cut output: Oil prices rose on Thursday after OPEC+ agreed to cut output, in a bid to support prices and balance the global market.
  3. China's economy grows 4.9% in Q2, beating expectations: China's economy grew 4.9% in the second quarter, beating expectations and providing a boost to the country's recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
  4. US jobless claims fall to 1.4 million, lowest since March: The number of Americans filing for unemployment benefits fell to 1.4 million last week, the lowest level since March, according to data released on Thursday.
  5. UK's Johnson says 'no deal' Brexit would be 'very bad' for economy: British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Thursday that a "no deal" Brexit would be "very bad" for the economy, amid ongoing uncertainty over the UK's departure from the EU.