Rabiu kwankwaso news

Rabiu Kwankwaso is a Nigerian politician who served as the Governor of Kano State from 2011 to 2015. Here are some recent news updates about him:

  1. Presidential Ambitions: Kwankwaso has been rumored to be planning to run for President in the 2023 elections. He has been meeting with party leaders and stakeholders to discuss his chances of winning the ticket of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).
  2. Kano State Politics: Kwankwaso has been involved in a series of political battles with his successor, Abdullahi Ganduje, who is also a member of the All Progressives Congress (APC). The two have been at odds over issues such as governance and corruption.
  3. PDP Crisis: Kwankwaso has been accused of being involved in the crisis rocking the PDP, which has led to the resignation of several party leaders. He has denied any involvement in the crisis, but many believe that he is using his influence to destabilize the party.
  4. National Assembly Bid: Kwankwaso has also been rumored to be planning to run for a seat in the National Assembly. He has been meeting with party leaders and stakeholders to discuss his chances of winning a seat in the Senate or House of Representatives.
  5. Corruption Allegations: Kwankwaso has been accused of corruption by some of his political opponents. He has denied any wrongdoing, but many believe that he has been involved in corrupt practices during his time as Governor of Kano State.
  6. Party Defection: Kwankwaso has been rumored to be planning to defect from the PDP to the APC. He has denied any plans to defect, but many believe that he is considering the move due to the crisis rocking the PDP.

These are just a few of the recent news updates about Rabiu Kwankwaso. As a prominent Nigerian politician, he is often in the news due to his political activities and controversies.