Reunion pt 1

The excitement of a reunion! Let's start with the first part of the story.

It had been 10 years since the gang had all been together in one place. They had gone their separate ways after high school, chasing their dreams and building their lives. But now, they had all received invitations to their 10-year high school reunion, and the nostalgia was palpable.

As they arrived at the venue, they couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. There was excitement to catch up with old friends, but also a hint of nervousness about how they would all fit back into their old dynamic.

The first to arrive was Rachel, the group's de facto leader. She had always been the one to organize their social events and keep everyone connected. She was a bit of a perfectionist, but her friends loved her for it.

Next to arrive was Mike, the class clown. He had always been the life of the party, and his humor had a way of breaking the ice. He was a bit of a free spirit, always up for an adventure.

Then came Emily, the bookworm. She had always been the smart one in the group, and her friends had often sought her advice on everything from math homework to relationship troubles. She was a bit introverted, but her friends knew she had a heart of gold.

As the others started to arrive, the group began to reassemble. There was Chris, the athlete, who had always been the star of the school's sports teams. There was also Sarah, the artist, who had always been the creative one in the group. And finally, there was Alex, the tech whiz, who had always been the group's go-to guy for all things digital.

As they hugged and caught up, it was clear that some things had changed, but others remained the same. They were all a bit older, a bit wiser, but still the same old friends at heart.

What do you think happens next? Do they dive right into reminiscing about old times, or do they start to discuss their current lives and what's been going on since high school?