Git push origin new branch

A Git command!

git push origin new-branch is used to push a new branch to a remote repository (in this case, origin).

Here's a breakdown of the command:

When you run this command, Git will:

  1. Check if the local branch new-branch exists.
  2. If it exists, Git will check if the branch is up-to-date with the remote repository. If it's not, Git will try to merge the changes.
  3. If the branch is up-to-date, Git will push the branch to the remote repository, creating a new branch with the same name if it doesn't already exist.

Note that if you want to push a new branch to a remote repository and also track it, you can use the -u option, like this:

git push -u origin new-branch

This will not only push the branch but also set the upstream tracking information for the branch, so that you can easily pull and push changes to the branch in the future.