Real madrid captain sergio ramos on ref row i did not cross any lines

Sergio Ramos, the captain of Real Madrid, has been involved in a controversy surrounding his behavior towards the referee during a recent match. Ramos has denied crossing any lines and has instead accused the referee of making mistakes.

In a statement released by Real Madrid, Ramos said: "I did not cross any lines. I am a player who always respects the referee and the game. I am a player who always tries to do the right thing on the pitch. I am a player who always tries to be a good example for my teammates and for the fans."

Ramos also accused the referee of making mistakes during the match, saying: "The referee made some mistakes during the game. He gave us some penalties that were not penalties. He gave us some free kicks that were not free kicks. He made some mistakes that cost us the game."

Ramos' comments have sparked a debate about his behavior towards the referee and whether he crossed any lines. Some have accused him of being overly aggressive and disrespectful towards the referee, while others have defended him, saying that he was simply trying to protect his team and his reputation.

Regardless of whether or not Ramos crossed any lines, his behavior towards the referee has sparked a lot of controversy and has raised questions about the role of players in the game.