Kevin spacey seeks treatment stars face harassment claims #comments

It appears that Kevin Spacey has been accused of sexual harassment and has subsequently sought treatment. Here's a summary of the situation:

The Allegations:

Several individuals have come forward, accusing Kevin Spacey of sexual harassment and misconduct. The allegations include inappropriate behavior, unwanted advances, and even sexual assault. The claims have been made by both men and women who have worked with Spacey in the entertainment industry.

Kevin Spacey's Response:

In response to the allegations, Kevin Spacey has issued a statement apologizing for any "inappropriate drunken behavior" and has also come out as gay. He has also announced that he is seeking treatment.

Treatment and Support:

Spacey has stated that he is seeking treatment and support to deal with his issues. He has also expressed his gratitude for the support of his loved ones and has acknowledged the importance of seeking help.

Industry Reaction:

The entertainment industry has been quick to respond to the allegations, with many condemning Spacey's behavior and expressing support for the victims. Several productions have also been halted or suspended due to the allegations.


An investigation is currently underway to determine the validity of the allegations against Spacey. The investigation is being led by the Los Angeles County District Attorney's office and the Los Angeles Police Department.

Impact on Career:

The allegations against Spacey have had a significant impact on his career, with many of his projects being put on hold or canceled. His role as the host of the Tony Awards has also been taken away from him.


The allegations against Kevin Spacey are a serious matter, and it's important that he takes responsibility for his actions. Seeking treatment and support is a positive step, and it's essential that he continues to prioritize his well-being and the well-being of those around him.