Rayoe extra official music video

I think you meant "Raye - Extra Official" music video!

Raye is a British singer-songwriter, and "Extra Official" is one of her popular songs. The music video for "Extra Official" was released in 2020 and has gained a significant following on YouTube.

The video features Raye performing the song in a dark, edgy setting, with flashing lights and a bold, futuristic aesthetic. The lyrics explore themes of independence, self-empowerment, and confidence, with Raye delivering a powerful and emotive vocal performance.

The video has been praised for its high-energy visuals and Raye's captivating stage presence. If you're a fan of Raye or enjoy her genre-bending sound, which blends elements of pop, electronic, and R&B, you might want to check out the "Extra Official" music video!