Radio news script example pdf

Here is an example of a radio news script:

Script Title: "Morning News Update"

Date: March 12, 2023

Time: 7:00 AM

Intro Music: (Upbeat music plays for 5 seconds)

Announcer: Good morning, and welcome to our morning news update. I'm your anchor, John Smith. We've got the latest news, weather, and traffic updates to get your day started.

Segment 1: Top Stories

Announcer: Our top story this morning: a severe weather warning has been issued for the entire region. A powerful storm system is expected to bring heavy rain, strong winds, and even tornadoes to our area. We'll have more on this developing story as it unfolds.

Audio Clip: (Sound effects: thunderstorm sounds)

Announcer: In other news, a major fire broke out at a local factory last night, causing significant damage and evacuating hundreds of workers. The cause of the fire is still under investigation.

Segment 2: Weather

Weather Anchor: Good morning, I'm your weather anchor, Jane Doe. We're expecting a wild ride today, folks. That severe weather warning I mentioned earlier is in effect until 10 am. We're looking at a 50% chance of rain, with winds gusting up to 40 miles per hour. And, unfortunately, we're also expecting a few tornadoes to touch down in our area. Stay tuned for updates and stay safe out there!

Audio Clip: (Sound effects: weather radar sounds)

Segment 3: Traffic

Traffic Anchor: Good morning, I'm your traffic anchor, Bob Johnson. We've got some major delays on the highways this morning. The 405 freeway is backed up for miles due to an accident, and the 101 freeway is experiencing heavy congestion. Leave early, and plan for extra time to get to your destination.

Audio Clip: (Sound effects: traffic sounds)

Segment 4: Community News

Community Reporter: Good morning, I'm your community reporter, Sarah Lee. We've got some exciting news for local sports fans. The hometown team has just announced a new partnership with a major sponsor, which will bring in some big changes to the stadium. We'll have more on this story later today.

Audio Clip: (Sound effects: sports crowd sounds)

Outro Music: (Upbeat music plays for 5 seconds)

Announcer: That's all for now. Thanks for joining us on this morning's news update. Stay tuned for more news, weather, and traffic updates throughout the day. And don't forget to follow us on social media for the latest updates.

End of Script

Note: This script is just an example and may not reflect real news stories or events.