Emir tasks subjects on collection of pvcs

It seems like you're referring to a situation where an Emir (a high-ranking official or leader) is tasking their subjects (people under their authority) with collecting Personal Voting Cards (PVCs).

Here's a possible scenario:

Emir's Decree

To all subjects of the Emirate,

By the authority vested in me, I hereby decree that all able-bodied subjects shall forthwith collect their Personal Voting Cards (PVCs) from the designated collection centers. This is a mandatory exercise aimed at ensuring the integrity and transparency of our electoral process.

Reasons for Collection

The collection of PVCs is crucial for the following reasons:

  1. Voter Registration: The PVCs will serve as proof of registration for all eligible voters.
  2. Election Security: The collection of PVCs will help prevent fraudulent voting and ensure the accuracy of election results.
  3. Voter Verification: The PVCs will enable voters to verify their identity and ensure that only registered voters participate in the election.

Instructions for Collection

To collect your PVC, please follow these steps:

  1. Visit a Collection Center: Go to any of the designated collection centers in your area.
  2. Present Required Documents: Bring your valid identification documents (e.g., national ID, driver's license, or passport).
  3. Fill Out the Form: Complete the PVC collection form provided by the center.
  4. Collect Your PVC: Once your form is processed, you will receive your PVC.

Penalties for Non-Compliance

Failure to collect your PVC within the stipulated timeframe may result in the following penalties:

  1. Fines: A fine of [amount] will be imposed on defaulters.
  2. Voter Disqualification: Defaulters may be disqualified from participating in future elections.

Timeline for Collection

The PVC collection exercise will commence on [date] and end on [date]. All subjects are expected to collect their PVCs within this timeframe.

Contact Information

For any inquiries or concerns regarding the PVC collection exercise, please contact the Emirate's Election Commission at [phone number] or [email address].

By order of the Emir,

[Your Name] Emir of the Emirate