Israel nigeria strengthen 60 years of ties with boost in start ups agric others

A great topic!

Yes, Israel and Nigeria have been strengthening their ties over the past 60 years, with a significant boost in recent years, particularly in the areas of startups, agriculture, and other sectors. Here are some key developments:

60 years of diplomatic relations: Israel and Nigeria established diplomatic relations in 1960, making Nigeria one of the first African countries to recognize Israel's independence.

Recent developments:

  1. Startups and innovation: In 2019, Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Nigeria's President Muhammadu Buhari signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to promote cooperation in innovation, technology, and entrepreneurship. This has led to increased collaboration between Israeli and Nigerian startups, with several Israeli startups already operating in Nigeria.
  2. Agriculture: Israel is known for its expertise in agriculture, and Nigeria has been seeking to leverage this expertise to improve its agricultural sector. In 2019, Israel and Nigeria signed an MoU to promote cooperation in agriculture, with a focus on areas such as irrigation, crop management, and livestock development.
  3. Energy: Israel and Nigeria have also been cooperating in the energy sector, with Israel providing technical assistance and expertise to help Nigeria develop its oil and gas sector.
  4. Healthcare: Israel and Nigeria have been collaborating in the healthcare sector, with Israel providing training and expertise to Nigerian healthcare professionals.
  5. Education: Israel and Nigeria have also been strengthening their educational ties, with several Israeli universities and institutions partnering with Nigerian universities to promote academic cooperation and exchange programs.

Recent agreements and initiatives:

  1. Israel-Nigeria Innovation Fund: In 2020, the Israeli government launched an innovation fund to support Israeli startups operating in Nigeria, with a focus on areas such as fintech, healthtech, and agritech.
  2. Nigeria-Israel Business Council: In 2020, the Nigeria-Israel Business Council was established to promote trade and investment between the two countries.
  3. Agricultural cooperation agreement: In 2020, Israel and Nigeria signed an agreement to promote cooperation in agriculture, with a focus on areas such as crop management, livestock development, and irrigation.

Outlook: The strengthening of ties between Israel and Nigeria is expected to continue, with a focus on areas such as innovation, agriculture, energy, healthcare, and education. The two countries are also expected to collaborate on regional and global issues, such as cybersecurity and counter-terrorism.