Putin says hes not a tsar after 20 years in power

A clever play on words!

Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia, has been in power for over 20 years, with a significant amount of influence and control over the country's government and institutions. While he has held various titles, including President, Prime Minister, and even Acting President, he has never officially held the title of Tsar.

However, Putin's comments about not being a Tsar are likely meant to downplay any comparisons to the Russian monarchy, which was abolished in 1917. The Tsar was the autocratic ruler of Russia from the 16th century until the Russian Revolution, and the title is often associated with absolute power and authoritarianism.

By saying he's not a Tsar, Putin may be trying to distance himself from the negative connotations of the title and emphasize his commitment to democratic principles and the rule of law. At the same time, his comments could also be seen as a way to deflect criticism about his own authoritarian tendencies and the concentration of power in his hands.

It's worth noting that Putin has been accused of consolidating power and undermining democratic institutions in Russia, which has led to concerns about the country's democratic backsliding. His comments about not being a Tsar may be seen as a way to deflect these criticisms and maintain a veneer of democratic legitimacy.

Ultimately, whether Putin is a Tsar or not is a matter of interpretation. While he may not hold the title, his influence and control over Russia's government and institutions are undeniable, and his comments about not being a Tsar may be seen as a way to manage perceptions and maintain his grip on power.