Forbes names lagos third worst city drive globally

A popular topic in Nigeria!

Yes, you're referring to the 2020 report by Forbes, which ranked Lagos as the third worst city drive globally. The report was based on a survey of 15,000 drivers across 15 cities worldwide, and it considered factors such as traffic congestion, road quality, parking, and overall driving experience.

According to the report, Lagos drivers faced an average of 72 hours of traffic congestion per year, which is significantly higher than the global average of 42 hours. The report also noted that Lagos has one of the highest rates of traffic accidents in the world, with an estimated 20,000 accidents occurring on the city's roads every year.

The top 5 worst city drives globally, according to the Forbes report, were:

  1. Manila, Philippines
  2. Jakarta, Indonesia
  3. Lagos, Nigeria
  4. Mumbai, India
  5. Bangkok, Thailand

It's worth noting that the report was based on a survey of drivers and may not reflect the experiences of all road users in Lagos. However, it does highlight the challenges that many people face when driving in the city, including traffic congestion, poor road conditions, and aggressive driving.

Efforts are being made to improve the city's transportation infrastructure and reduce traffic congestion, such as the development of new roads and public transportation systems. However, more needs to be done to address the root causes of traffic congestion and improve the overall driving experience in Lagos.