Pupils resume for new session today amid increase in fees #comments

Pupils Resume for New Session Today Amid Increase in Fees

As the new academic session commences today, students and parents are bracing themselves for the increased fees that have been implemented by many schools. The hike in fees has been a topic of concern for many, with some parents expressing their discontent and frustration at the sudden increase.


The new academic session has brought with it a host of changes, including the introduction of new curriculum, updated textbooks, and enhanced facilities. However, the increased fees have been a major point of contention, with many parents feeling that the hike is unwarranted.


"I'm shocked and disappointed by the sudden increase in fees," said Mrs. Smith, a parent of a student at XYZ School. "I had budgeted for a certain amount, and this increase is going to put a strain on my finances. I hope the school can reconsider this decision."

"I understand that the school needs to make ends meet, but I think the increase is excessive," said Mr. Johnson, a parent of a student at ABC School. "I'm worried about the impact it will have on my child's education. I hope the school can find alternative ways to generate revenue."

School Response

When asked about the increase in fees, a spokesperson for XYZ School said, "We understand that the increase may cause some inconvenience to our parents, but we believe it is necessary to ensure the quality of education we provide. We are committed to providing the best possible education for our students, and this increase will enable us to do so."


The increased fees are expected to have a significant impact on many families, particularly those who are already struggling to make ends meet. The hike is likely to lead to a decrease in the number of students enrolling in private schools, as many parents may opt for government schools or online education instead.


As the new academic session commences, it remains to be seen how the increased fees will affect the education sector. While some parents may be able to absorb the increase, others may struggle to make ends meet. It is essential for schools to find a balance between providing quality education and being mindful of the financial burden they place on their students and parents.
