Psalm 69 good news bible

Here is Psalm 69 in the Good News Bible (GNB):

Psalm 69

A prayer of David

  1. Save me, God, for the waters have come up to my neck.
  2. I sink in the deep mud; I have come into the deep waters, where the floods swallow me up.
  3. I am worn out by my crying; my throat is parched; my eyes grow dim with waiting for my God.
  4. More than the hairs on my head are those who hate me without a reason; many are those who would destroy me, my enemies who are not satisfied, and who do not ask for God.
  5. God, you know how I am scorned, disgraced, and shamed; all my enemies are before you.
  6. They make up lies about me; when will you come to help me, God?
  7. May those who want to destroy me be put to shame and confusion; may those who seek to harm me be covered with shame and dishonor.
  8. May those who say to me, "Good luck!" turn back and be put to shame.
  9. May all who want to harm me be like thorns, and may they be forever scorched by the fire.
  10. May those who seek my life be caught in their own traps, and may the wicked be caught in their own evil plans.
  11. Then I will rejoice in the Lord and be glad, and I will be glad in the God of my salvation.
  12. This is my God, and I will praise him; the God of my father, and I will exalt him.
  13. You are my help and my deliverer; you are my God, and I will praise you.
  14. You are the God who shows me kindness and lifts up my head when I am among many people.
  15. I will offer sacrifices of praise to you, and I will call on the name of the Lord.

Note: The Good News Bible (GNB) is a translation of the Bible that was first published in 1976. It is known for its clear and simple language, making it easy to understand for readers who may not be familiar with biblical language.