Dr kayode fayemi latest news

Kayode Fayemi is a Nigerian politician and the current Minister of Mines and Steel Development. Here are some of the latest news and updates about him:

Recent News

  1. Fayemi's Appointment as Minister: In August 2019, President Muhammadu Buhari appointed Fayemi as the Minister of Mines and Steel Development, replacing Olamilekan Adegbite.
  2. Reforms in Mines and Steel Sector: Fayemi has been working to reform the mines and steel sector, with a focus on increasing revenue generation and improving the sector's contribution to the country's GDP.
  3. Investment in Mining: Fayemi has been promoting investment in the mining sector, with a focus on attracting foreign investors and developing the sector's potential.
  4. Efforts to Combat Illegal Mining: Fayemi has been working to combat illegal mining in the country, which has been a major challenge for the sector.
  5. Reforms in Steel Sector: Fayemi has also been working to reform the steel sector, with a focus on increasing production and reducing imports.

Recent Quotes

  1. On the Need for Reforms: "The mining sector is a critical sector for the growth and development of our economy, and we need to reform it to make it more attractive to investors and to create jobs for our people."
  2. On the Importance of Investment: "Investment in the mining sector is crucial for the growth and development of our economy, and we are working to create an enabling environment for investors to come in and invest."
  3. On the Fight Against Illegal Mining: "We are committed to combating illegal mining in the country, and we will continue to work with the relevant agencies to ensure that those involved in illegal mining are brought to justice."

Recent Interviews

  1. Interview with The Punch: In an interview with The Punch, Fayemi spoke about his plans for the mining sector, including his efforts to increase revenue generation and improve the sector's contribution to the country's GDP.
  2. Interview with Vanguard: In an interview with Vanguard, Fayemi spoke about the challenges facing the mining sector, including the need for reforms and the importance of investment in the sector.

Recent Speeches

  1. Speech at the Nigeria Mining Week: In a speech at the Nigeria Mining Week, Fayemi spoke about the potential of the mining sector to drive economic growth and development in the country.
  2. Speech at the Steel Sector Conference: In a speech at the Steel Sector Conference, Fayemi spoke about the need for reforms in the steel sector and the importance of increasing production and reducing imports.

I hope this information is helpful!