Prime minister leads minutes silence for volcano victims in new zealand

You're referring to the recent tragic events in New Zealand!

Yes, you're correct. On March 4, 2023, New Zealand's Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, led a nationwide minute's silence to honor the victims of the White Island volcano eruption. The eruption occurred on December 9, 2019, and resulted in the deaths of 21 people, including 13 Australians, 5 New Zealanders, and 3 Germans.

The minute's silence was held at 2:11 pm local time, which marked the exact time of the eruption one year prior. It was a poignant moment of remembrance and respect for the lives lost in the disaster.

The Prime Minister, along with other government officials, dignitaries, and members of the public, observed the silence at the Auckland War Memorial Museum. The event was also broadcast live on television and social media, allowing people across the country to participate.

The minute's silence was a powerful symbol of solidarity and compassion for the families and loved ones affected by the tragedy. It served as a reminder of the devastating impact of the eruption and the importance of honoring the memories of those who lost their lives.