Price of new toyota coaster bus in nigeria

The price of a new Toyota Coaster bus in Nigeria can vary depending on several factors such as the model year, trim level, and features. However, based on current market trends and prices, here are some approximate prices for new Toyota Coaster buses in Nigeria:

Toyota Coaster H100 (14-Seater)

Toyota Coaster H100 (18-Seater)

Toyota Coaster H100 (24-Seater)

Toyota Coaster H100 (30-Seater)

Toyota Coaster HZJ (35-Seater)

Please note that these prices are approximate and may vary depending on the dealership, location, and other factors. Additionally, prices may change over time due to fluctuations in the market and exchange rates.

It's also important to note that there may be additional costs associated with purchasing a new Toyota Coaster bus in Nigeria, such as registration fees, insurance, and maintenance costs.