Aisha buhari visits george mason university usa round table meeting photos

According to various news sources, First Lady of Nigeria, Aisha Buhari, visited George Mason University in the United States in 2019 for a roundtable meeting. Here are some photos from the event:

Photo 1: Aisha Buhari (center) with George Mason University officials and students during the roundtable meeting.

[Image source: Vanguard News]

Photo 2: The First Lady of Nigeria engages in a discussion with students and faculty members at George Mason University.

[Image source: Leadership Newspaper]

Photo 3: Aisha Buhari (right) with Dr. Ángel Cabrera, President of George Mason University, during the meeting.

[Image source: ThisDay Live]

Photo 4: The First Lady of Nigeria listens attentively to a student's question during the roundtable discussion.

[Image source: The Nation Newspaper]

Photo 5: Aisha Buhari (center) with other dignitaries and guests at the George Mason University roundtable meeting.

[Image source: Premium Times]

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