Press tv news youtube

Here are some popular Press TV news channels on YouTube:

  1. Press TV News: The official YouTube channel of Press TV, a 24/7 English-language news channel based in Tehran, Iran. They provide news coverage on international affairs, politics, economy, and more. [Subscribe: 1.5M]

  2. Press TV English: Another official channel of Press TV, this one focuses on English-language news coverage, including live broadcasts, documentaries, and analysis. [Subscribe: 1.2M]

  3. Iran Press TV: This channel provides news coverage on Iran and the Middle East, as well as international news and analysis. [Subscribe: 700K]

  4. Press TV Documentary: This channel features documentary films and investigative reports on various topics, including politics, economy, and social issues. [Subscribe: 400K]

  5. Iran News Network: This channel provides news coverage on Iran and the Middle East, as well as international news and analysis. [Subscribe: 300K]

Some popular Press TV news anchors and presenters on YouTube include:

  1. Marzieh Hashemi: A prominent American-Iranian journalist and news anchor who has worked for Press TV and other media outlets.
  2. Hossein Mousavian: A former Iranian diplomat and nuclear negotiator who often appears on Press TV to discuss international affairs and politics.
  3. Seyed Mohammad Marandi: A professor of international relations and a frequent commentator on Press TV, discussing topics such as US-Iran relations and Middle East politics.

Please note that the views and opinions expressed on these channels may not necessarily reflect those of the AI assistant or its developers.