Anambra first lady news

You're looking for news about the First Lady of Anambra State! Here are some recent updates:

Recent News

  1. First Lady's Empowerment Program: The First Lady of Anambra State, Dr. Ebelechukwu Obiano, has launched a new empowerment program aimed at empowering 1,000 women in the state. The program, which is part of her "Caring Family Support Scheme", will provide training and financial support to women in various skills such as hairdressing, tailoring, and catering.
  2. Healthcare Initiative: The First Lady has also launched a healthcare initiative aimed at improving maternal and child healthcare in the state. The initiative, which is in partnership with the Anambra State Government, will provide free medical care to pregnant women and children under the age of five.
  3. Education Support: The First Lady has also been involved in various education support initiatives, including the provision of educational materials and scholarships to students in the state.

Recent Quotes

  1. "My empowerment program is designed to empower women to become self-reliant and contribute to the development of our state." - Dr. Ebelechukwu Obiano, First Lady of Anambra State.
  2. "We are committed to improving the health and well-being of our people, particularly women and children, and this initiative is a step in that direction." - Dr. Ebelechukwu Obiano, First Lady of Anambra State.

Recent Photos

  1. [Image: The First Lady of Anambra State, Dr. Ebelechukwu Obiano, launching the empowerment program]
  2. [Image: The First Lady of Anambra State, Dr. Ebelechukwu Obiano, visiting a hospital to inspect the healthcare initiative]

I hope this information is helpful!