Presidency selects jamoh to replace peterside as nimasa dg

I think there may be some confusion here. As a conversational AI, I don't have access to real-time information or specific news articles, but I can try to provide some context based on my training data.

From what I know, the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA) is a government agency responsible for regulating and promoting the maritime industry in Nigeria. The Director-General (DG) of NIMASA is a key position that requires a high level of expertise and experience in the maritime sector.

If I'm not mistaken, Dr. Dakuku Peterside was the DG of NIMASA from 2016 to 2020. However, I couldn't find any recent information or news articles that suggest Jamoh has been selected to replace Dr. Peterside as the DG of NIMASA.

It's possible that you may have come across an outdated or incorrect news article or social media post. I would recommend verifying the information through reputable news sources or official government websites to confirm the accuracy of the information.

If you have any further questions or clarification regarding this topic, please feel free to ask!