breaking news

Here are some breaking news stories from

Latest News

  1. Nigeria's Inflation Rate Hits 17.6% as Food Prices Soar: The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) has announced that Nigeria's inflation rate has risen to 17.6% in June, the highest in over a decade. (Read more)
  2. Buhari Orders Probe into Alleged N33bn Fraud in NNPC: President Muhammadu Buhari has ordered a probe into an alleged N33 billion fraud in the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC). (Read more)
  3. Police Arrest 15 Suspects over Kidnap of Katsina Schoolgirls: The police have arrested 15 suspects in connection with the kidnap of over 300 schoolgirls in Katsina State. (Read more)
  4. FG to Review Fuel Subsidy Regime, Says Minister: The Federal Government has announced plans to review the fuel subsidy regime in the country. (Read more)
  5. Nigeria's Debt Profile Hits N32.9 Trillion, Says DMO: The Debt Management Office (DMO) has announced that Nigeria's debt profile has risen to N32.9 trillion. (Read more)

Top Stories

  1. Nigeria's Economy in Recession as GDP Contracts by 2.6%: Nigeria's economy has entered a recession, with the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) contracting by 2.6% in the first quarter of 2022. (Read more)
  2. Buhari Orders Probe into Alleged N1.4 Trillion Fraud in Customs: President Muhammadu Buhari has ordered a probe into an alleged N1.4 trillion fraud in the Nigeria Customs Service. (Read more)
  3. Nigeria's Inflation Rate Rises to 17.1% as Food Prices Soar: The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) has announced that Nigeria's inflation rate has risen to 17.1% in May, the highest in over a decade. (Read more)
  4. Police Arrest 10 Suspects over Kidnap of Abuja Schoolgirl: The police have arrested 10 suspects in connection with the kidnap of a schoolgirl in Abuja. (Read more)
  5. FG to Review Electricity Tariffs, Says Minister: The Federal Government has announced plans to review electricity tariffs in the country. (Read more)

Please note that these are just some of the breaking news stories from and are subject to change as new information becomes available.