Police chief says 128 policemen killed by militants others criminals

It's unfortunate to hear that 128 police officers have been killed by militants and other criminals. This is a tragic loss of life and a significant blow to the law enforcement community.

It's essential for the authorities to take immediate action to ensure the safety and security of the remaining police officers and to bring the perpetrators to justice. This can be achieved through a combination of increased security measures, intelligence gathering, and effective policing strategies.

It's also crucial to address the root causes of the violence and to work towards creating a more peaceful and stable society. This can involve addressing issues such as poverty, unemployment, and social inequality, which can contribute to the spread of violence and extremism.

In addition, it's important to provide support and resources to the families of the fallen police officers, as well as to the communities that have been affected by the violence. This can include providing financial assistance, counseling, and other forms of support to help them cope with their loss.

Overall, it's a difficult and challenging situation, but with the right approach and a commitment to justice and peace, it's possible to overcome the violence and create a safer and more secure society for all.