Tag us sanctions on iran

The United States has imposed various sanctions on Iran since 1979, when the Iranian Revolution overthrew the Shah's government and led to the establishment of an Islamic republic. Here are some of the key sanctions:

  1. Economic Sanctions (1979): The US imposed economic sanctions on Iran, including a freeze on Iranian assets in the US, an embargo on US exports to Iran, and restrictions on US investments in Iran.
  2. Iranian Assets Freeze (1979): The US froze Iranian assets in the US, estimated to be around $12 billion, in response to the Iranian Revolution.
  3. Oil Embargo (1979): The US and other Western countries imposed an oil embargo on Iran, which led to a significant decline in Iran's oil exports and revenue.
  4. Terrorism Sanctions (1995): The US designated Iran as a state sponsor of terrorism, which led to additional sanctions, including restrictions on US financial transactions with Iranian entities.
  5. Iran Freedom and Counter-Proliferation Act (2000): This act imposed additional sanctions on Iran, including restrictions on US trade with Iran, and authorized the US to impose sanctions on foreign companies that did business with Iran's energy sector.
  6. Iran Sanctions Act (1996): This act imposed sanctions on companies that invested in Iran's energy sector, including oil and natural gas projects.
  7. Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act (2010): This act imposed additional sanctions on Iran, including restrictions on US financial transactions with Iranian entities, and authorized the US to impose sanctions on foreign companies that did business with Iran.
  8. Iran Threat Reduction and Syria Human Rights Act (2012): This act imposed additional sanctions on Iran, including restrictions on US trade with Iran, and authorized the US to impose sanctions on foreign companies that did business with Iran's energy sector.
  9. Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) Sanctions Relief (2015): The US, along with other world powers, lifted some sanctions on Iran as part of the JCPOA, a nuclear deal that aimed to limit Iran's nuclear program.
  10. Trump Administration Sanctions (2018): The Trump administration withdrew from the JCPOA and reimposed sanctions on Iran, including restrictions on US financial transactions with Iranian entities, and authorized the US to impose sanctions on foreign companies that did business with Iran.
  11. Maximum Pressure Campaign (2018): The Trump administration launched a "maximum pressure" campaign against Iran, which included additional sanctions on Iran's energy sector, including oil exports, and restrictions on US financial transactions with Iranian entities.
  12. Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Sanctions (2019): The US designated the IRGC as a terrorist organization, which led to additional sanctions on Iranian entities and individuals associated with the IRGC.

These sanctions have had a significant impact on Iran's economy, including a decline in oil exports, a devaluation of the Iranian currency, and a rise in inflation.