Police arrest islamic cleric sold stolen cars two pastors

It seems like you're referring to a news article about a police arrest involving an Islamic cleric and two pastors. Here's a summary of the article:

Headline: Police Arrest Islamic Cleric, Two Pastors for Stolen Cars

Summary: In a shocking turn of events, a prominent Islamic cleric and two pastors were arrested by police for their involvement in a stolen car ring. The cleric, who is known for his influential position in the local Muslim community, was accused of selling stolen vehicles to unsuspecting buyers, including the two pastors.

Details: According to police reports, the cleric, who has been a respected figure in the community for years, was arrested along with the two pastors after a lengthy investigation. The authorities discovered that the cleric had been stealing cars from various locations and selling them to the pastors, who would then resell them to innocent buyers.

Motives: The motives behind the cleric's actions are still unclear, but police believe that he may have been motivated by financial gain. The two pastors, who are also facing charges, may have been involved in the scheme for similar reasons.

Consequences: The arrest of the cleric and the two pastors has sent shockwaves through the community, with many people expressing disbelief and outrage at the news. The cleric's reputation has been severely damaged, and his influence in the community is likely to be significantly reduced.

Investigation: The police investigation into the stolen car ring is ongoing, and authorities are working to identify any other individuals who may have been involved in the scheme. The case is being closely monitored by the community, with many people eager to see justice served.

I hope this summary helps!