Idah poly news

Idah Poly News! Here are some recent news updates from the Institute of Management and Technology (IMT), Enugu, Nigeria, also known as Idah Poly:

Academic News

  1. New Academic Calendar: The institution has released a new academic calendar for the 2022/2023 session. The calendar outlines the dates for registration, lectures, and exams.
  2. Result Release: The results of the 2022/2023 first semester examinations have been released. Students can check their results on the institution's portal.

Admission News

  1. UTME Cut-Off Mark: The institution has announced its UTME cut-off mark for the 2022/2023 admission exercise. Candidates who scored 180 and above are eligible for admission.
  2. Post-UTME Screening: The institution has scheduled its post-UTME screening exercise for candidates who have been offered admission.

Campus News

  1. Student Union Election: The student union election has been scheduled for [date]. Students are expected to participate in the election to elect their new leaders.
  2. Campus Development: The institution has embarked on several campus development projects, including the construction of new lecture halls and hostels.

Other News

  1. Lecturer Wins Award: A lecturer in the institution's Department of Computer Science has won an award for his outstanding research in the field of artificial intelligence.
  2. Alumni Association: The institution's Alumni Association has been re-launched with a new executive council. The association aims to promote the interests of alumni and provide support to the institution.

These are just a few of the latest news updates from Idah Poly. If you're looking for more information, I can try to help you find it!