Pogba accused of treating man utd like a package holiday that hes bad for the club

It sounds like Paul Pogba has been accused of not being fully committed to Manchester United, with some suggesting that he's treating the club like a "package holiday" that he's not particularly invested in.

This is a pretty serious accusation, and it's likely that Pogba's teammates, coaches, and fans are all taking notice. As one of the most talented and expensive players in the world, Pogba has a lot of responsibility to the club and its supporters.

It's worth noting that Pogba has been dealing with some injuries and personal issues lately, which might be affecting his performance on the pitch. However, even if that's the case, it's still important for him to maintain a high level of professionalism and dedication to the team.

Do you think Pogba's critics have a point, or is this just a case of unfair scrutiny?