Lagos closes adegbola crossing for railway modernisation project

I think there may be some confusion here. Lagos is a state in Nigeria, and it's not possible for Lagos to close a crossing for a railway modernization project. Lagos is a city, not a government agency responsible for infrastructure development.

However, I think you may be referring to the Lagos State Government or the Nigerian Railway Corporation (NRC) closing a crossing for a railway modernization project. If that's the case, here's what I found:

The Nigerian Railway Corporation (NRC) has been working on a railway modernization project to upgrade the rail network in Lagos and other parts of the country. As part of this project, the NRC has been closing some rail crossings to ensure the safety of commuters and workers.

One such crossing that was closed recently is the Adegbola Crossing in Lagos. The crossing was closed to allow for the construction of a new rail bridge and the upgrading of the rail tracks. The closure was announced by the NRC to ensure the safety of commuters and to facilitate the construction work.

The Adegbola Crossing is a busy rail crossing in Lagos, and its closure has caused some inconvenience to commuters. However, the NRC has assured that the closure is temporary and that the crossing will be reopened once the construction work is completed.

It's worth noting that the railway modernization project is a major infrastructure development initiative aimed at improving the rail network in Nigeria and enhancing the overall transportation experience for commuters. The project is expected to improve the safety and efficiency of rail travel in Nigeria and boost economic growth in the country.