Php news website

Here's a basic outline for building a PHP news website:

Database Design

  1. Create a database to store news articles, categories, and tags.
  2. Design the following tables:
    • articles:
      • id (primary key)
      • title
      • content
      • date_published
      • author
    • categories:
      • id (primary key)
      • name
    • article_categories:
      • article_id (foreign key referencing articles)
      • category_id (foreign key referencing categories)
    • tags:
      • id (primary key)
      • name
    • article_tags:
      • article_id (foreign key referencing articles)
      • tag_id (foreign key referencing tags)

PHP Code

  1. Create a PHP script to connect to the database and perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations.
  2. Use PHP's mysqli extension to interact with the database.
  3. Create functions to:
    • Retrieve all articles
    • Retrieve a single article by ID
    • Create a new article
    • Update an existing article
    • Delete an article
    • Retrieve all categories
    • Retrieve a single category by ID
    • Create a new category
    • Update an existing category
    • Delete a category
    • Retrieve all tags
    • Retrieve a single tag by ID
    • Create a new tag
    • Update an existing tag
    • Delete a tag


  1. Create an HTML template for the news website's layout.
  2. Use PHP to include the necessary database queries and display the results.
  3. Create a navigation menu with links to different sections of the website (e.g. home, categories, tags).
  4. Create a search bar to allow users to search for articles by keyword.
  5. Create a pagination system to display multiple articles per page.

Example Code

Here's an example of how you might implement the get_articles() function in PHP:

function get_articles() {
  $db = mysqli_connect("localhost", "username", "password", "database");
  if (!$db) {
    die("Connection failed: ". mysqli_connect_error());

  $query = "SELECT * FROM articles ORDER BY date_published DESC";
  $result = mysqli_query($db, $query);

  $articles = array();
  while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
    $articles[] = $row;

  return $articles;

And here's an example of how you might display the articles on the frontend:

  $articles = get_articles();
  foreach ($articles as $article) {
    echo "<h2>". $article['title']. "</h2>";
    echo "<p>". $article['content']. "</p>";
    echo "<p>Published on ". $article['date_published']. " by ". $article['author']. "</p>";
    echo "<hr>";

This is just a basic outline, and there are many ways to improve and expand upon this design.