Bareta news ekok attack

I think you meant to type "Berta News Ekok Attack". Here's what I found:

The Berta News Ekok Attack refers to a brutal attack on a group of journalists and media workers in South Sudan on February 15, 2017. The attack occurred in Ekok, a town in the Western Equatoria region, where a group of armed men stormed the offices of Berta News, a local radio station, and attacked the staff.

According to reports, the attackers, believed to be government soldiers, stormed the radio station and beat up the journalists, including the station's director, Peter Moi. The attackers also destroyed equipment and property, and stole valuables.

The attack was widely condemned by local and international organizations, including the Committee to Protect Journalists, which called it a "brutal and cowardly attack" on press freedom.

The incident highlighted the dangers faced by journalists in South Sudan, where press freedom is often restricted and journalists are frequently attacked or arrested for doing their jobs.