People talk on bill to ban generators jail sellers 1

It seems like you're referring to a news article or a discussion about a proposed bill to ban the sale of generators and jail sellers who violate the law. Here's a summary of the topic:

Bill to Ban Generators and Jail Sellers

A proposed bill is making waves in the country, aiming to ban the sale of generators and impose severe penalties, including imprisonment, on sellers who violate the law. The bill is a response to growing concerns about air pollution, noise pollution, and the environmental impact of generators.

Reasons Behind the Bill

The bill is being pushed forward due to several reasons:

  1. Air Pollution: Generators emit harmful pollutants, such as particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, and carbon monoxide, which contribute to air pollution and negatively impact public health.
  2. Noise Pollution: Generators can be loud and disrupt the peace, causing noise pollution that affects residents and wildlife.
  3. Environmental Impact: Generators can also harm the environment by releasing pollutants into the air and water, and contributing to climate change.

Penalties for Violators

Under the proposed bill, sellers who violate the law by selling generators will face severe penalties, including:

  1. Imprisonment: Sellers can be imprisoned for up to 5 years for selling generators that do not meet environmental and safety standards.
  2. Fines: Sellers can be fined up to $100,000 for each violation.
  3. License Revocation: Sellers who violate the law can have their licenses revoked, making it illegal for them to operate in the country.

Impact on Consumers

The bill aims to protect consumers by ensuring that they have access to safe and environmentally friendly alternatives to generators. Consumers who purchase generators that do not meet the new standards will also be protected from potential health risks and environmental harm.


The proposed bill to ban generators and jail sellers who violate the law is a significant step towards reducing air and noise pollution, and protecting the environment. While some may argue that the bill is too strict, it is clear that the government is taking a proactive approach to address the growing concerns about the impact of generators on public health and the environment.