Extension of chinese new year

The Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, is a 15-day celebration in China and other countries with significant Chinese populations. The celebration typically begins on the first day of the first month in the traditional Chinese calendar and ends on the 15th day. Here are some of the key events and traditions that take place during the Chinese New Year:

Day 1-3: Preparations and Family Reunions

Day 4-6: Lion and Dragon Dances

Day 7-10: Visiting Relatives and Friends

Day 11-14: Temple Fairs and Cultural Events

Day 15: Lantern Festival

Some of the key traditions and customs associated with the Chinese New Year include:

Overall, the Chinese New Year is a time for family reunions, cultural celebrations, and traditional customs. It is a significant holiday in Chinese culture and is celebrated by people of Chinese descent around the world.