Pension news today

Here are some recent pension news articles and updates:

UK Pensions

  1. Pension freedoms: HMRC warns of tax penalties: The UK's HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) has warned that thousands of pensioners could face tax penalties for not taking their pension freedoms seriously. (Source: Financial Times)
  2. State pension age increase: What you need to know: The UK government has announced plans to increase the state pension age to 67 by 2028, with further increases planned to 68 by 2039. (Source: The Telegraph)
  3. Pension schemes face £100bn deficit: A report by the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association (PLSA) has warned that UK pension schemes face a £100bn deficit due to low interest rates and investment returns. (Source: The Guardian)

US Pensions

  1. Pension crisis: Cities and states struggle to fund retiree benefits: A report by the Pew Charitable Trusts has found that many US cities and states are struggling to fund their pension obligations, with some facing significant shortfalls. (Source: Bloomberg)
  2. New pension rules aim to boost retirement savings: The US Department of Labor has introduced new rules aimed at encouraging employers to offer retirement plans and helping workers save more for their golden years. (Source: CNBC)
  3. Pension funds invest in private equity: A growing number of US pension funds are investing in private equity, seeking higher returns to meet their funding obligations. (Source: Institutional Investor)

International Pensions

  1. Australia's pension system ranked among the best: A report by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has ranked Australia's pension system among the best in the world, citing its high coverage rate and generous benefits. (Source: The Australian)
  2. Canada's pension system faces challenges: A report by the Canadian Institute of Actuaries has warned that Canada's pension system faces significant challenges, including a growing retirement gap and declining investment returns. (Source: The Globe and Mail)
  3. EU pension reform: What it means for you: The European Union has introduced reforms aimed at improving the sustainability of its pension systems, including increasing the retirement age and encouraging longer working lives. (Source: The Local)

These are just a few examples of recent pension news articles and updates. If you're looking for more information on a specific topic or country, feel free to ask!