Quotation lead example in news writing

Here's an example of a quotation lead in news writing:

Lead: "We're not just talking about a few bad apples, we're talking about a systemic problem," said Dr. Jane Smith, a leading expert on police brutality, in response to the latest allegations of excessive force by local law enforcement. "It's time for real change, not just lip service."

Why it's effective:

  1. Attention-grabbing: The quotation is provocative and grabs the reader's attention, making them want to know more about the story.
  2. Context: The quotation provides context for the story, giving readers a sense of the expert's perspective on the issue.
  3. Key quote: The quotation is a key quote that summarizes the main point of the story, making it easy for readers to understand the issue.
  4. Authoritative voice: The quotation is attributed to a credible and authoritative source, Dr. Jane Smith, which adds weight to the story.

Tips for writing a great quotation lead:

  1. Choose a key quote: Select a quote that summarizes the main point of the story or provides a unique perspective.
  2. Use a strong, attention-grabbing opening: Start the quotation with a phrase that grabs the reader's attention.
  3. Attribute the quote: Make sure to attribute the quote to a credible source, including their title, organization, and any relevant credentials.
  4. Keep it concise: Keep the quotation concise and to the point, avoiding long, rambling quotes.
  5. Use quotation marks correctly: Use quotation marks to set off the quote from the rest of the text, and make sure to use them consistently throughout the story.

By following these tips, you can write a compelling quotation lead that draws readers in and sets the tone for the rest of the story.