Pension news

Here are some recent pension news updates:

UK Pensions

  1. Auto-enrolment review: The UK government has launched a review of the auto-enrolment pension scheme, which aims to increase the number of people saving for retirement. The review will consider ways to improve the scheme, including increasing the minimum contribution rate and introducing a "pension dashboard" to help people track their retirement savings. (Source: The Guardian)
  2. Pension freedoms: The UK's pension freedoms, which allow people to access their pension pots from age 55, have been popular, but also raised concerns about people running out of money in retirement. The government is considering introducing measures to help people make the most of their pension savings. (Source: BBC News)

US Pensions

  1. Pension funding crisis: Many US companies are struggling to fund their pension plans, which has led to concerns about the long-term sustainability of the system. The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) has reported a significant increase in the number of pension plans it is insuring. (Source: The Wall Street Journal)
  2. Retirement savings crisis: A recent report by the National Institute on Retirement Security found that many Americans are not saving enough for retirement, with 43% of workers having no retirement savings at all. The report highlights the need for policymakers to address the retirement savings crisis. (Source: CNBC)

International Pensions

  1. EU pension reform: The European Union has proposed reforms to its pension system, including increasing the minimum retirement age and introducing a "pension dashboard" to help people track their retirement savings. The reforms aim to ensure the long-term sustainability of the EU's pension system. (Source: EurActiv)
  2. Australian pension changes: The Australian government has introduced changes to its pension system, including increasing the age at which people can access the pension and introducing a "means test" to ensure that only those who need it receive the pension. The changes aim to ensure the long-term sustainability of the pension system. (Source: The Sydney Morning Herald)

Other Pension News

  1. Pension scams: The UK's Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has warned about the increasing threat of pension scams, which involve fraudsters contacting people about their pension savings and persuading them to transfer their money to a fraudulent scheme. The FCA is urging people to be cautious and to seek advice before making any decisions about their pension savings. (Source: The Telegraph)
  2. Pension investment: A recent report by the Investment Association found that pension funds are increasingly investing in alternative assets, such as private equity and real estate, in order to generate higher returns and reduce their reliance on traditional assets such as stocks and bonds. (Source: Financial Times)