Add new post newsbreakers wordpress

Here are the steps to add a new post in WordPress using the NewsBreakers theme:

Step 1: Log in to your WordPress dashboard

Go to your website's URL and log in to your WordPress dashboard using your username and password.

Step 2: Click on "Posts"

In the dashboard, click on the "Posts" tab in the left-hand menu.

Step 3: Click on "Add New"

Click on the "Add New" button at the top of the page.

Step 4: Enter your post title and content

Enter your post title in the "Enter title here" field. Then, enter your post content in the main editor area. You can format your text using the toolbar above the editor.

Step 5: Add categories and tags

To categorize your post, click on the "Categories" dropdown menu and select the relevant category. You can also add tags to your post by typing them in the "Tags" field.

Step 6: Add a featured image

To add a featured image to your post, click on the "Set featured image" button and upload an image from your computer or select one from your media library.

Step 7: Set the post format

NewsBreakers theme has a few post formats to choose from. You can select the format you want to use by clicking on the "Format" dropdown menu.

Step 8: Publish your post

Once you've entered all the necessary information, click on the "Publish" button to publish your post.

Step 9: Review your post

After publishing your post, review it to make sure everything looks good. You can make any necessary changes by clicking on the "Edit" button.

That's it! Your new post should now be live on your website.

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