Pengassan news

PENGASSAN is the acronym for the Petroleum and Natural Gas Senior Staff Association of Nigeria, a trade union that represents the interests of senior staff in the Nigerian oil and gas industry. Here are some recent news updates about PENGASSAN:

  1. Strike Notice: In October 2022, PENGASSAN issued a 14-day strike notice to the Nigerian government and oil companies over issues such as poor working conditions, inadequate funding, and lack of implementation of agreements. The strike was called off after negotiations with the government.
  2. Demands for Better Working Conditions: In August 2022, PENGASSAN demanded better working conditions, including improved safety measures, adequate funding, and the implementation of agreements reached with the government. The union also called for the removal of the Minister of State for Petroleum Resources, Timipre Sylva.
  3. Pension Scheme: In July 2022, PENGASSAN threatened to embark on a strike over the non-payment of pensions to its members. The union claimed that the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) had failed to implement the pension scheme for its staff.
  4. Industrial Harmony: In June 2022, PENGASSAN and the Nigerian Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers (NUPENG) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) aimed at promoting industrial harmony in the oil and gas industry.
  5. Government's Response: In May 2022, the Nigerian government assured PENGASSAN that it would address the union's concerns, including the implementation of agreements and the provision of better working conditions. The government also promised to increase funding for the oil and gas industry.

These are just a few recent news updates about PENGASSAN. The union continues to play a significant role in the Nigerian oil and gas industry, advocating for the rights and interests of its members.