Pastor paul enenche new songs

Pastor Paul Enenche is a Nigerian pastor and the Senior Pastor of Dunamis International Gospel Centre. He is also a prolific songwriter and has released many inspiring and uplifting songs over the years. Here are some of his new songs:

  1. "The Greatness of God" - This song is a powerful declaration of God's greatness and majesty.
  2. "You Are the Reason" - This song is a heartfelt expression of gratitude to God for being the reason for our existence.
  3. "I Am Not Ashamed" - This song is a bold declaration of faith and confidence in God, despite the challenges and difficulties of life.
  4. "The Blood of Jesus" - This song is a powerful reminder of the significance of the blood of Jesus Christ in our lives.
  5. "You Are My God" - This song is a beautiful expression of devotion and worship to God, acknowledging Him as our God and Rock.
  6. "The Power of God" - This song is a powerful declaration of the power and might of God, and our dependence on Him.
  7. "I Will Not Be Moved" - This song is a bold declaration of faith and confidence in God, refusing to be moved by the challenges and difficulties of life.
  8. "The Great I Am" - This song is a powerful declaration of God's greatness and majesty, acknowledging Him as the Great I Am.
  9. "You Are My Rock" - This song is a beautiful expression of devotion and worship to God, acknowledging Him as our Rock and Refuge.
  10. "The Blood of Jesus (Reprise)" - This song is a reprise of the earlier song, "The Blood of Jesus", with a slightly different melody and arrangement.

These are just a few examples of Pastor Paul Enenche's new songs. He has many more songs that are available on various music platforms, including YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Music.