Palestine and israel news today

Here are some of the latest news updates on Palestine and Israel:


  1. Gaza Strip: The Palestinian Authority has announced that it will hold elections in the Gaza Strip for the first time in 15 years. The move is seen as a step towards reconciliation between the rival Hamas and Fatah factions. (Source: Al Jazeera)
  2. West Bank: Israeli forces have arrested several Palestinian activists and leaders in the West Bank, including a prominent figure in the Palestinian Authority's security forces. (Source: Haaretz)
  3. Jerusalem: The Israeli government has approved the construction of 1,300 new settlement units in East Jerusalem, sparking widespread condemnation from the international community. (Source: The New York Times)


  1. Settlements: The Israeli government has announced plans to build 3,000 new settlement units in the West Bank, despite international pressure to freeze settlement expansion. (Source: The Guardian)
  2. Gaza blockade: Israel has extended its blockade on the Gaza Strip, citing concerns over the smuggling of weapons and materials. (Source: BBC News)
  3. Iran: Israel has accused Iran of providing military support to Palestinian militant groups in the Gaza Strip, a claim that Tehran has denied. (Source: The Times of Israel)

International Reaction:

  1. United Nations: The UN Secretary-General has called on Israel to halt its settlement expansion and to work towards a two-state solution. (Source: UN News)
  2. European Union: The EU has condemned Israel's plans to build new settlements in East Jerusalem, saying they are "contrary to international law". (Source: EU News)
  3. United States: The US State Department has expressed "concern" over Israel's plans to build new settlements, but has stopped short of calling for a halt to the construction. (Source: The Washington Post)

Other Developments:

  1. Palestinian prisoners: The Palestinian Authority has announced that it will release 150 Palestinian prisoners in a bid to ease tensions with Israel. (Source: Ma'an News Agency)
  2. Jerusalem holy sites: Tensions have flared in Jerusalem over access to holy sites, with Palestinian worshippers clashing with Israeli security forces at the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound. (Source: The Jerusalem Post)
  3. Economic cooperation: The Palestinian Authority and Israel have agreed to cooperate on economic issues, including trade and infrastructure development. (Source: The Times of Israel)

Please note that the news updates are subject to change and may not be comprehensive.