Pakistan afghanistan news

Here are some recent news articles and updates on Pakistan and Afghanistan:


  1. Economic Crisis: Pakistan is facing a severe economic crisis, with a debt burden of over $100 billion and a current account deficit of $18 billion. The country is seeking a bailout package from the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
  2. Terrorism: Pakistan has been battling terrorism for years, with the Taliban and other militant groups operating in the country. The government has launched several military operations to eliminate these groups, but the situation remains volatile.
  3. Kashmir: Pakistan and India have been engaged in a territorial dispute over Kashmir, with both countries claiming sovereignty over the region. The situation has escalated in recent months, with both sides exchanging gunfire and accusing each other of human rights abuses.
  4. Corruption: Pakistan has been plagued by corruption, with many government officials and politicians accused of embezzling funds and engaging in other corrupt practices. The country has implemented several anti-corruption measures, but the problem remains widespread.


  1. Peace Talks: The United States and the Taliban have been engaged in peace talks aimed at ending the 18-year war in Afghanistan. The talks have been ongoing for several months, but a deal has yet to be reached.
  2. Taliban Violence: The Taliban have continued to launch attacks on Afghan security forces and civilians, despite the ongoing peace talks. The group has been responsible for many of the deaths and injuries in the country.
  3. ISIS-K: The Islamic State (ISIS) has a presence in Afghanistan, with its affiliate, ISIS-K, launching attacks on civilians and security forces. The group has been responsible for many of the deadliest attacks in the country.
  4. Humanitarian Crisis: Afghanistan is facing a severe humanitarian crisis, with millions of people displaced and in need of assistance. The country is one of the poorest in the world, with many people struggling to access basic necessities like food, water, and healthcare.

Pakistan-Afghanistan Relations:

  1. Border Tensions: Pakistan and Afghanistan have been engaged in a border dispute, with both countries accusing each other of violating the border. The situation has escalated in recent months, with both sides exchanging gunfire and accusing each other of human rights abuses.
  2. Trade: Pakistan and Afghanistan have a significant trade relationship, with Pakistan being one of Afghanistan's largest trading partners. The two countries have been working to increase trade and economic cooperation.
  3. Refugees: Pakistan has been hosting millions of Afghan refugees for decades, with many of them fleeing conflict and persecution in their home country. The situation has become increasingly complex, with many refugees struggling to access basic necessities like food, water, and healthcare.

Some recent news articles on Pakistan and Afghanistan include:

I hope this information is helpful!