Shine and proud lyrics by sammie okposo

Here are the lyrics to "Shine and Proud" by Sammie Okposo:

Verse 1: I was lost in the dark, didn't know my way But then I found the light, and I'm here to stay I was searching for a purpose, a reason to be And then I found my voice, and now I'm free

Chorus: Shine and proud, let your light shine bright Don't let the world dim your light, let it ignite Shine and proud, let your voice be heard Don't let the world silence you, let your words be blurred

Verse 2: I was once a slave to fear, but now I'm free I was once a prisoner of doubt, but now I'm me I was once a shadow of my former self But now I'm rising up, and I'm doing well

Chorus: Shine and proud, let your light shine bright Don't let the world dim your light, let it ignite Shine and proud, let your voice be heard Don't let the world silence you, let your words be blurred

Bridge: I'm not perfect, I'm still learning But I'm growing every day, and I'm yearning To be the best version of myself And to make a difference, and to help

Chorus: Shine and proud, let your light shine bright Don't let the world dim your light, let it ignite Shine and proud, let your voice be heard Don't let the world silence you, let your words be blurred

Outro: Shine and proud, let your light shine bright Don't let the world dim your light, let it ignite Shine and proud, let your voice be heard Don't let the world silence you, let your words be blurred.

I hope that helps!