Oxfam new zealand

Oxfam New Zealand is a humanitarian organization that works to reduce poverty and inequality around the world. Here are some key facts about Oxfam New Zealand:

Mission: Oxfam New Zealand's mission is to "create lasting change for people and communities affected by poverty, inequality, and injustice."

History: Oxfam New Zealand was established in 1971 as a branch of the international Oxfam organization, which was founded in 1942.

Programs: Oxfam New Zealand works on a range of programs and campaigns, including:

  1. Humanitarian Response: Oxfam New Zealand responds to natural disasters and conflicts around the world, providing emergency aid and support to affected communities.
  2. Poverty Reduction: Oxfam New Zealand works to reduce poverty and inequality by supporting community-led development projects, advocating for policy change, and promoting fair trade practices.
  3. Climate Justice: Oxfam New Zealand campaigns for climate justice, advocating for action to address climate change and its impacts on vulnerable communities.
  4. Women's Empowerment: Oxfam New Zealand works to empower women and girls, promoting their rights and participation in decision-making processes.

Campaigns: Oxfam New Zealand runs various campaigns to raise awareness and mobilize action on key issues, such as:

  1. Make Trade Fair: Oxfam New Zealand campaigns for fair trade practices, advocating for policies that benefit poor and marginalized communities.
  2. Enough Food for Everyone IF: Oxfam New Zealand campaigns for an end to hunger and poverty, advocating for policies that address the root causes of hunger and poverty.
  3. Climate Justice: Oxfam New Zealand campaigns for climate justice, advocating for action to address climate change and its impacts on vulnerable communities.

Partnerships: Oxfam New Zealand partners with local organizations, governments, and international agencies to achieve its goals.

Funding: Oxfam New Zealand relies on donations from individuals, corporations, and foundations to fund its programs and campaigns.

Volunteer Opportunities: Oxfam New Zealand offers various volunteer opportunities, including fundraising, advocacy, and event planning.

Contact: Oxfam New Zealand can be contacted through its website, social media, or by phone/email.

Overall, Oxfam New Zealand is a respected and influential humanitarian organization that works to create lasting change for people and communities affected by poverty, inequality, and injustice.