Google news american politics

Here are the latest news stories from Google News on American Politics:

Top Stories

  1. Biden's Infrastructure Bill Passes Senate: The Senate has passed a bipartisan infrastructure bill, a major victory for President Joe Biden and a rare example of cooperation in a divided Congress. (The New York Times)
  2. Trump's Tax Returns Released: The House Ways and Means Committee has released six years of former President Donald Trump's tax returns, revealing a complex web of deductions and credits that allowed him to pay little to no federal income tax in some years. (The Washington Post)
  3. Jan. 6 Committee Subpoenas Trump's Former Chief of Staff: The House committee investigating the January 6th attack on the US Capitol has issued a subpoena to Mark Meadows, former White House chief of staff, as part of its probe into the events surrounding the riot. (CNN)

National Politics

  1. Biden's Approval Rating Hits New Low: President Biden's approval rating has fallen to 43%, according to a new Gallup poll, amid concerns over inflation, the COVID-19 pandemic, and other issues. (USA Today)
  2. House Republicans Unveil Budget Plan: House Republicans have released a budget plan that would cut spending, reduce the national debt, and repeal parts of the Affordable Care Act. (The Hill)
  3. Supreme Court to Hear Case on Voting Rights: The Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case that could limit the ability of states to enforce voting rights laws, a decision that could have significant implications for the 2024 election. (The New York Times)

State and Local Politics

  1. California Recall Election Results: The results are in from California's recall election, with Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom surviving the attempt to oust him from office. (The Los Angeles Times)
  2. New York Governor's Race Heats Up: The race for New York governor is heating up, with Democratic candidate Kathy Hochul facing a challenge from Republican candidate Lee Zeldin. (The New York Times)
  3. Florida Governor Signs Voting Restrictions Bill: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has signed a bill that restricts voting rights in the state, a move that has been criticized by Democrats and voting rights advocates. (The Miami Herald)

Opinion and Analysis

  1. The New York Times: "The Infrastructure Bill Is a Start, But It's Not Enough"
  2. The Washington Post: "The January 6th Committee's Subpoena of Mark Meadows Is a Big Deal"
  3. The Wall Street Journal: "The Biden Administration's Economic Record Is a Mixed Bag"

These are just a few of the latest news stories from Google News on American Politics. You can find more stories and analysis by searching on Google News or visiting the websites of major news organizations.