Osinbajo lead nec meeting approves nominees for nsia board

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Vice President Osinbajo Leads NEC Meeting, Approves Nominees for NSIA Board

The Vice President of Nigeria, Professor Yemi Osinbajo, has led a meeting of the National Economic Council (NEC) to approve nominees for the board of the Nigeria Sovereign Investment Authority (NSIA).

The NSIA is a sovereign wealth fund established by the Nigerian government to manage a portion of the country's excess oil revenue. The fund is responsible for investing in various sectors of the economy, including infrastructure, agriculture, and healthcare.

The NEC meeting, which was attended by governors of the 36 states of the federation, approved the nominees for the NSIA board, which includes:

  1. Mr. Uche Orji - Managing Director/CEO, NSIA
  2. Mr. Aminu Umar - Executive Director, NSIA
  3. Mr. Ahmed Joda - Non-Executive Director, NSIA
  4. Mrs. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala - Non-Executive Director, NSIA
  5. Mr. Babatunde Fowler - Non-Executive Director, NSIA

The approval of the nominees is a significant step towards the effective management of the NSIA and the implementation of its mandate to invest in the Nigerian economy.

The NSIA has been instrumental in investing in various projects across the country, including the construction of the Lagos-Ibadan Expressway, the Abuja-Kaduna-Zaria-Kano Expressway, and the development of the Badagry Deep Seaport.

The approval of the nominees is expected to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the NSIA in achieving its objectives and contributing to the growth and development of the Nigerian economy.