Far cry new dawn closes automatically


Far Cry: New Dawn is a great game, but it's annoying when it closes automatically. Let's troubleshoot some common issues that might be causing this problem:

  1. Graphics settings: Try reducing the graphics settings to see if it's a graphics-related issue. You can do this by going to the game's settings, then Graphics, and adjusting the settings to a lower level.
  2. Graphics drivers: Ensure your graphics drivers are up-to-date. Outdated drivers can cause crashes and closures. You can check for updates on your graphics card manufacturer's website (e.g., NVIDIA or AMD).
  3. Game updates: Make sure you're running the latest version of the game. Check the game's store page or the developer's website for any updates.
  4. System requirements: Verify that your system meets the game's minimum system requirements. If your system is below the recommended specs, you might experience crashes and closures.
  5. Overheating: If your computer is overheating, it can cause the game to close automatically. Check your computer's temperature and ensure good airflow around your system.
  6. Corrupted save files: Corrupted save files can cause the game to close. Try deleting your save files and starting a new game to see if the issue persists.
  7. Conflicting programs: Some programs might be conflicting with the game. Try closing any unnecessary programs or background applications while playing the game.
  8. Windows 10 updates: If you're running Windows 10, ensure you're running the latest updates. Sometimes, Windows updates can cause issues with certain games.
  9. Game configuration files: Corrupted game configuration files can cause the game to close. Try deleting the game's configuration files and restarting the game.
  10. Reinstall the game: If none of the above steps work, you might need to reinstall the game.

If you've tried all these steps and the issue persists, you can try reaching out to the game's support team or the developer's community forums for further assistance.