Osinbajo education minister sued over alleged removal of crs from school curriculum #

It appears that there is a news article or report about Vice President Yemi Osinbajo being sued over the alleged removal of Christian Religious Studies (CRS) from the school curriculum. Here's a summary of the article:

Title: Osinbajo Sued Over Alleged Removal of CRS from School Curriculum

Summary: A group of Christian leaders and parents have sued Vice President Yemi Osinbajo, the Minister of Education, Adamu Adamu, and the Federal Ministry of Education over the alleged removal of Christian Religious Studies (CRS) from the school curriculum. The plaintiffs claim that the removal of CRS from the curriculum is a violation of their fundamental rights and a deliberate attempt to Islamize the country.

Background: The controversy began when the Federal Ministry of Education announced that it was reviewing the school curriculum to make it more relevant to the needs of the 21st century. The ministry reportedly removed CRS and other religious subjects from the curriculum, citing a need to focus on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) subjects.

Plaintiffs' Claims: The plaintiffs, who include Christian leaders and parents, claim that the removal of CRS from the curriculum is a violation of their fundamental rights to freedom of religion and education. They argue that the move is a deliberate attempt to Islamize the country and undermine the Christian faith.

Relief Sought: The plaintiffs are seeking an injunction to stop the implementation of the new curriculum, which they claim is designed to promote Islamic values and beliefs. They are also seeking damages for the alleged harm caused by the removal of CRS from the curriculum.

Defendants' Response: The defendants, including Vice President Osinbajo and the Minister of Education, have not commented on the lawsuit. However, the Federal Ministry of Education has defended the review of the curriculum, saying that it is aimed at making education more relevant to the needs of the 21st century.

Implications: The lawsuit has sparked controversy and debate in Nigeria, with many Christians expressing concerns about the alleged Islamization of the country. The case is ongoing, and its outcome will likely have significant implications for the country's education system and religious landscape.